THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsSeventh Sunday after Pentecost24 July 2022 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friend,
The Gospel reading for this Sunday is from the seventh chapter of St. Matthew, verses 15-21; Jesus warns us to: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
St. John Chrysostom (Confessor, Doctor, Archbishop of Constantinople 397. Lived: 354 to 407) said:
"The Lord, therefore, knowing that there would be false teachers, warns them of the various heresies to come, by saying Beware of false prophets. And as these would not be obvious unbelievers, but persons cloaked with the name of Christian, He did not say: Look well at them, but, Beware. For where a thing is certain it is seen; that is, it may readily be seen. But when it is uncertain it is looked at, or watched carefully. And again He says, Beware: for to know whom to shun is a firm safeguard of security. He does not warn us to beware as though the devil will introduce heresies against God's will, and not by His permission. For since He will not choose His servants without trial, He permits them to be tempted. And as He wills that they should not suffer through ignorance He therefore warns them."
"And so that no heretical teacher may say, that He did not say here they were false prophets, but rather the teachers from both Gentiles and Jews, He goes on to add: Who come to you in the clothing of sheep. For Christians are spoken of as sheep; and the sheep's clothing is their outward pretense of Christianity and pretended religion. There is nothing that so menaces what is good as pretense. For evil that is hidden under the outward appearance of Good is not guarded against, since it is not known."
"And that heretics may not here say that He is speaking of those who are true teachers, but also sinners, He adds this: But inwardly they are ravening wolves. Catholic teachers, though they may have been sinners, are not spoken of as ravening wolves, but as servants of the flesh: for they do not seek to destroy Christians. He, therefore, is manifestly speaking of heretical teachers: for it is to this end that they put on the garb of Christian; that they may rend Christians with the evil fangs of their seductions. And of these the Apostles said: I know that after my departure, ravening wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock (Acts 20:29)."
It seems that today, more than ever before, we need to heed this warning of Jesus. God has permitted false teachers to rise up so that we may be tempted because we cannot merit Heaven without a trial. Just because there are heresies and a great many follow them, this is not proof that their teachings are from God.
The false prophets of our day appear as Catholic teachers and leaders, but mixed in with authentic Catholic doctrine, they bring forth heretical anti-Catholic errors or lies. We are not to confuse heresies with personal sins. It is one thing for a pope, bishop, or priest to fall into sin, and it is an entirely different thing for them to teach and promote these sins to others. The false prophets in sheep's clothing are the ones who present themselves or appear as Catholic but teach condemned heresies. These condemned heresies often can be detected as: Modernism, Humanism, and Materialism. The less educated often see the condemned errors of Protestantism being presented as Catholic teaching or practice. The more political savvy will usually detect the condemned errors of Atheistic Communism coming from the mouths of these false prophets. We do not need to be able to detect every deception. One denial of Catholic doctrine or promoting one condemned error is enough to uncover the anti-Catholic underneath.
We must look beneath the outward appearances and study the hearts underneath to detect the wolves in sheep's clothing. Words are the fruits of hearts. By their fruits, we will know them. The heart of wolves produces words of wolves. The false prophets have the appearance of sheep but the deceptive lying hearts of wolves. We will detect them in their words. Once we have seen them, we must beware of them and avoid them.
Heresies of every description have invaded and taken over once Catholic sanctuaries. If we are paying attention, we see that as time progresses, the thin veil of sheep's clothing is wearing thin, and more and more of the ravening wolf underneath is revealed. Material structures often bear little resemblance to the Catholic structures they once were because the wolves have destroyed or removed all that offends their anti-Catholic sentiments. Their new prayers, rituals, and ceremonies bear less and less resemblance to Catholic worship and practice. Above all this, we see in their preaching and teaching the renewal of almost every condemned heresy.
Let us heed Our Lord's words and Beware!
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